Get Connected

Thank you for visiting Relanding Psychological Services. I look forward to hearing from you about how I can help your child “reland.”

Please call the intake line or complete the information below. The intake email and voicemail are checked most evenings during the week and on the weekend by the Intake Worker. However, due to personal reasons, there will be a delay in responding over the next several weeks. Thank you for your patience as we do our best to answer inquiries. Once the referral is received, your child/referring individual will be placed on the appropriate waitlist and contact will be established when there is an opportunity to gather additional information closer to the time when available appointments can be arranged.

Current wait times for the start of an assessment is approximately 6 months.


THE Office

Psychological services for children and youth, provided by a Registered Psychologist. Serving Chatham-Kent and the surrounding areas.

Located in the Royal LePage/United Way Building
425 McNaughton Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario
N7L 4K4

Dr. Willan:

New Intakes:

Intake Phone: 519-707-6027

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Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions here.